Kids Kybalion
Hugh and Theo Discover the Power of the Mind
In a quiet town, nestled between rolling hills, beautiful forests, and sparkling ponds, lived a six-year-old boy named Hugh and his three-year-old sister, Theo.

Hugh loved to explore, and Theo was always ready for an adventure.

They had two older sisters, Jazmin and Zoriah, and their two dogs, Boromir and Rhiannon. Hugh’s toad, Freddy, and Theo’s spider, Lucas, were also part of their family.

One cozy morning, Hugh and Theo were playing hide-and-seek in their room.

Hugh was counting while Theo hid.

She wiggled behind her princess dresses in the closet and waited.

“17, 18, 19, 20, 21! Ready or not!” Hugh finished and started looking for Theo.

He looked behind the toy basket. Nothing. Under her bedding and pillows. Not there. He stopped and thought.
Then, Hugh remembered hearing something from the closet while he was counting. He snuck over and quickly moved the princess dresses. “FOUND YOU!”

They were both laughing.
Just then, Hugh saw something behind Theo.

It was sort of glowing, like her plushy glow worm.

“What’s that behind you, Theo?” Hugh asked.

Theo sat up and turned to see what Hugh was looking at. “It’s a book!” Theo said.

“It is a book! Maybe it fell down while we were playing.” They had never seen this book before, and they were both curious.

They cleared out the nook to make space around them.

Hugh opened the book. Theo stood behind him, looking over his shoulder at the strange symbols, shapes, and patterns.

“What does it say, Hugh?” she asked.

“Not sure yet…” Hugh said as he traced one of the symbols on the page. It glowed brighter as he did.
Suddenly, a soft golden light filled the nook and a gentle voice whispered, “Welcome, young seekers.”

“Who said that?” asked Theo.

“I’m A Book, Theo. Good to finally meet you both. Today, you will learn the first great secret of the universe: The Principle of Thought.”
“What does that mean?” asked Hugh.

“The first principle says, ‘All is Mind; the Universe is Mental.’ Everything starts with a thought. Everything you see—houses, books, inventions, even the stars—began as a thought. The mind is the starting place for all creation, big and small.”
Hugh and Theo looked at each other, even more curious than before.

A Book added, “Close your eyes and imagine a big garden…”

They closed their eyes and started imagining.

Suddenly, they found themselves in a bright, beautiful garden. Flowers bloomed everywhere, and trees stood tall with bright leaves.

Theo saw some butterflies and chased after them. Their wings looked like rainbows.

“Wow, this place is amazing!” Hugh said.

“Yes,” said A Book. “This garden is a creation of your minds. When you think of something wonderful like this, you can watch it come to life in your mind.”
As Hugh and Theo admired the garden, A Book spoke again.

“Every great garden begins with a seed. Imagine holding a seed in your hand—one full of possibility.”

Hugh and Theo closed their eyes and imagined.

“I see it! It’s big and smooth, like the pit from an avocado,” Theo said.
“Perfect,” said A Book. “Now imagine placing it in the soil here in your mind’s garden. What will it grow into?”

Hugh thought for a moment. “Maybe a tree with big leaves. Or fruit… A huge avocado tree!”

A Book replied, “With time and care, that seed will grow—just like your thoughts grow when you nurture them.”
Hugh had an idea… he started to think about his happy little toad, with green skin and its wise eyes.
Hugh opened his eyes again, and there was his toad, smiling at him!
"Hey, Hugh," said his toad. "Thanks for thinking me here!"
Hugh was amazed at the power of his thoughts. "Freddy! I thought you here?"
"Yes!" said Freddy.
"Yay, Freddy!" Theo squeaked.
"So, if I think happy thoughts, I can create happy things?" Hugh asked.
"Exactly," said Freddy. "What you think about shapes the world in your mind and the world around you."
A Book added, "Fill your mind with positive and grateful thoughts, and you will see a world full of happiness, beauty, strength, and energy."
Freddy hopped over and sat down next to them. Theo and Hugh sat down too.
“Have you ever noticed,” Freddy began, “when you imagine things while you’re awake, it feels like you’re really there? Or how when you remember something… or even your dreams at night sometimes seem so real? Those thoughts, memories, and dreams are real in your mind.”
Hugh and Theo nodded. “Sometimes dreams feel really real,” said Theo.
Freddy smiled. "Exactly. Now, let's try something fun. Imagine you're at the sandbox at the park. You have your yellow and red buckets."
Hugh and Theo started imagining.
"I know!" said Hugh. "Let's make a Giant sand castle! First, we can build the towers. Then, we dig the moat. After that, we can add all the decorations!"
"Yay!" Theo agreed.
And suddenly, just as they saw in their minds, their huge sand castle was there.
"Wow, perfect!" Freddy continued, "Let's see you two change your sand castle to giant a sandy mountain with a tunnel, big enough to crawl all the way through it."
Hugh and Theo laughed as they imagined the sand castle instantly turning into a giant sandy mountain with a huge tunnel to explore.
"Now, imagine building your sand castle for real…
You'd have to get ready and grab your buckets,
walk all the way to the park,
take the time to scoop sand,
… and carefully shape it."
"Oh no," Hugh said. "What if the sand is too dry to make towers?"
Hugh and Theo thought.
"We can add some water and make it stick better!" Theo replied.
Hugh frowned slightly. "Sometimes it doesn't work, and they still fall over! What if we can't do it?"
Freddy said, "You may even need to start over! That's okay!"
A Book added, "Thoughts are just the first step. They show you the way, like a map. But it's your hands, your heart, and your effort that bring them to life."
Theo looked around thoughtfully and said, "Like when I couldn't tie my shoes, but then I imagined myself doing it, and kept trying and trying until I did it?!"
Exactly!" Freddy said. "Your thoughts help guide your actions. When you focus on the good, you create the spark that helps you make it real."
"Do you see how your thoughts are powerful seeds that, with focus and action, grow into something real?" A Book asked.
"We do see." Hugh replied. Theo nodded and agreed.
The sun began to set behind the trees, and the sky turned orange and pink, Hugh and Theo knew it was time to go home.
"Remember, young seekers," A Book said, "your thoughts are powerful seeds. Your mind shapes your world, and soon you'll see how everything connects—what happens inside you reflects what happens outside you."

"Keep an eye on your thoughts, for they shape the gardens of your world."
"We will! Goodbye, A Book, goodbye, Freddy! See you soon!" they said.
Hugh and Theo closed their eyes and saw the golden light fading. They opened their eyes again. They were back in their room.
Hugh turned to Theo and said, "I get it now. Everything begins with our thoughts."
Theo giggled, clapped her hands, and smiled as she grabbed her favorite soft blanket (she called it "Ladakin"). She bit a corner and bounced with a mini squeak of excitement.
"Time for dinner, babies!" Mom called up.
Hugh and Theo zipped downstairs, excited to share their adventure.
As they ran into the kitchen, they saw Mom preparing dinner with Dad.
"We learned about the power of thoughts!" Theo said, spinning around.
Hugh added, "It's like magic. We can think good things and then make them real!"
Mom smiled, intrigued. "That's a wonderful lesson!"
"Dinner is almost ready, kiddos!" Dad said.
Theo and Hugh glanced at each other, seemingly sharing an idea.
"Let's help…" Theo whispered to Hugh, as she walked over to grab a stack of napkins.
Hugh followed her lead, went to a drawer, and grabbed the silverware to take to the table.
Together, they carefully prepped the table for dinner.
Mom smiled, so big. "I love how you little seekers thought of this all on your own! Thank you both so much! Very helpful."
"Wow!" Dad added. "Thanks, kiddos! Nice work."
Zo and Jazzy walked in, noticing them setting the table.
"Hey, look at that teamwork!" Zo said with a smile.
Jazzy added, "Looks like you two might have learned something pretty amazing today."
Hugh and Theo exchanged a knowing smile.
And with the spark of a simple idea, they began purposefully evolving their thoughts into something helpful and real, just as A Book and Freddy had shown them, and how they brought to life.
Activity 1: Visualize and Create
Close your eyes and imagine something wonderful you'd like to see or do. Draw a picture of it and share it with your family. Remember, your thoughts are the spark to help you create amazing things!
Activity 2: Imagine and Clean
Imagine your room and what it looks like right now. Next, imagine it's very clean, with the bed made, floor vacuumed, toys and clothes in their places. Think of how helpful you are and how good that feels.
Now, draw the steps you'll take to make it happen, draw your clean room, then do it! Make it real.
Feel it, Plan it, and Do it!
Imagine, Act, Repeat!
Activity 3: Sprout and Plant an Avocado Seed
Remove the seed
After eating an avocado, gently remove and clean the seed.
Stick & place in cup of water
Place 3-5 toothpicks around the middle of the seed to suspend it in a glass of water. The flat end should point down.
Be Patient
Half submerged, it will take quite a while to start sprouting. sometimes longer than expected. Wait without waiting.
Even more patience while it sprouts
Keep the glass in a sunny spot and change the water every few days. It will continue to sprout!
Plant It!
Once the sprout is about 6 inches tall, plant it in soil with the roots covered. Keep watering (about once per week) and watching it grow!
The Next Adventure
Join Hugh and Theo in the next chapter as they explore the second principle: The Principle of Correspondence.
Discover how "As above, so below; as within, so without" will take them on a new magical adventure.
Join Hugh and Theo as they embark on a magical adventure to discover a secret of the universe. In this story, they learn about the power of thought and how it shapes their world. Through vivid imagination, Hugh and Theo explore the first principle of the universe, creating a beautiful garden and meeting new friends along the way.